How to manually install Efon VNC
Check if it is running
Before attempting to install Efon VNC manually, it is worth checking to see if it is already running. On your desktop, you should see a very small icon with the words 'Efon VNC' in them. If not, you will need to download, install and then run the software.

Downloading and Installing
These instructions are for Windows Mobile 6.5. Your scanner's look and feel may be different but the steps are the same or similar.
Tap on the Start Menu followed by 'Internet Exporer'.
Once open, tap on the little bubble in the bottom right corner. This will display the address bar.
Enter the address
in the bar and tap the arrow button to right. -
You may be asked to accept a certificate. Simply tap on the 'Yes' button at the bottom.
You will be taken to the login screen.
Enter your login details and tap the 'Login' button.
You will be logged onto the support site.
Scroll down to near the bottom of the page until you find the section 'Downloads' under this you should tap on 'Efon VNC 4.3'.
A download should start. Ensure the 'Open file after download' is checked and then tap the 'Yes' button at the bottom.
When prompted for a location, ensure 'Device' is checked and tap the 'Install' button at the bottom.
Wait for the installation to finish then tap the 'OK' button in the bottom right corner.
It is not enough to just install the software, you need to also set it running. You can do this one of two ways; first, you can simply reboot the scanner if you know how or you can follow the next set of instructions:
Tap on the Start Menu followed by 'File Exporer'.
You may not see exactly the same screen as below. Tap on the 'My Documents' in the top left corner (or whatever your version reads).
From the menu that appears, tap 'My Device' at the top.
Scroll down and find 'Program Files' and tap on it.
Next, scroll down and find 'EFONVNC' and tap on it.
Finally, tap on 'winvnc' in order to start Efon. Please note; nothing will happen when you do this, this is pefectly normal.
To check if it is running, tap the 'X' button in the bottom right to close 'File Explorer'. Back on the desktop, you should see a very small icon with the words 'Efon VNC' in them. If not, you may need to repeat these steps.